Storage Tips

General Self Storage Tips

  • Make an inventory list of all of the items you store. Keep a copy in your storage unit and one for your records. Update the list as you add or remove items. This will help you keep track of where things are and will also help in the unlikely event of an insurance claim.
  • Mark all boxes with their contents so you can easily identify and access items, if required. Be specific. When loading or stacking boxes make sure this information faces toward you so you can read it.
  • Pack each box completely and store heavier boxes on the bottom. Mark boxes that contain breakable items as fragile.
  • Stack boxes from floor to ceiling to maximize your space.
  • Store items that you are most likely to need at the front of the unit.
  • Store mirrors and pictures on end, wrapped in protective material.
  • Protect wooden furniture from scratches with moving pads, sheets or light blankets. This also protects these items from dust.
  • Remove table legs or take apart any awkward items to save on space. Bag and label any smaller parts or hardware that you remove and keep them in a labeled box so you can find them when you need them. Place them near the entrance of your self storage unit or Space Capsule so they are easy to find.
  • Do not take apart particle board items as they are not designed to be taken apart and reassembled.
  • Protect mattresses and box springs with bags designed for them.
  • Vacuum upholstered furniture, such as couches and armchairs, to remove food crumbs prior to storage. Use covers to protect them from dust and pests.
  • To prevent rust, wipe any metal items with a small amount of machine oil.
  • Place boxes with books and other items that may absorb moisture on skids or pallets rather than directly on a concrete floor.
  • Do not upend upholstered items on a concrete floor. Instead place them on a skid or pallet to prevent moisture absorption.
  • Drain and clean all appliances 24 hours before you move them. Make sure they are dry. Leave the doors slightly ajar to prevent mould and mildew.
  • Pack glass shelves and trays separately, wrapped and in boxes, for protection. Tape cords to the back of appliances to prevent accidents.
  • Leave air space around the perimeter to aid ventilation.
  • Insure your belongings.

Public Storage – Prohibited Items

  • Do not store items that are hazardous. These include items that are explosive, flammable, corrosive, environmentally harmful or that pose another risk to people or property. Do not store fireworks, ammunition, aerosols, gasoline, oil, propane, kerosene, charcoal or charcoal lighter, matches, alcohol, antifreeze, paint, paint thinners, household cleaners or disinfectants, solvents, chlorine, fertilizer, pesticides, poisons or batteries.
  • Remember to remove batteries from phones, clocks or other electronics and from children’s toys.
  • If you are storing gas powered machinery such as lawn mowers, leaf blowers or chain saws, empty the gas tank before storing.
  • Do not store any food items or items that may attract pests or insects. (You can, of course, pack food in a Space Capsule that is being moved directly from your old home to your new home.)
  • Do not store any valuable or irreplaceable items or items that may not be covered by your insurance policy. These include money, jewelry, valuable papers, artwork or family heirlooms. Use a safety deposit box for these items.
  • If you are storing items in a non-heated unit, do not store any liquids that may freeze and burst the container.

Space Capsule Portable Storage Containers

  • If you are using more than one Space Capsule, make a list of the contents for each unit number. This way if you need to get something out of storage, you will know where it is.
  • Knowing what’s in each Space Capsule will also help you when you go to unpack. If you’re smart about grouping things when you pack, you can have your Space Capsules delivered in the order in which you need to unpack them.
  • When you are packing your Space Capsule, place large, heavy furniture or appliances that can support other items at the back of the unit, then build upwards with lighter items and boxes on top. Make fragile items the very last layer. As much as possible, fill any gaps or empty spaces. The tighter you pack your Space Capsule, the less likely it is that your belongings will shift during normal transportation.
  • When you have a stack complete, start another one to the front, using the same approach. Keep building towards the door.
  • Items on wheels should be tied off or secured near the middle of your Space Capsule
  • Save mattresses to pack at the very end. If, when you have loaded all your belongings, you have an incomplete stack or empty floor space, use the mattresses to buffer that stack, tying them in place to secure your load.
  • Those items that you may need to access often should be placed towards the door of your Space Capsule.
  • Check and follow all by-laws that apply to storage of portable units on your property.
  • If you’re using your Space Capsule for a move, label all items and boxes for the appropriate room at your final destination.
  • Space Capsules will be tilted during loading/unloading/transportation and contents not secured could be damaged.
  • Be sure to tie down all of your belongings, one section at a time, taking advantage of the conveniently placed tie down inside the Space Capsule.
  • Use all available space inside the Space Capsule to pack your belongings.  The tighter you pack your Capsule the less likely your belongings will shift during transport.
  • Mix small items with larger items to fill spaces.  Don’t save all your boxes for the end.

Self Storage Units

  • Create a pathway for easier access to your belongings.
  • For larger units, make a map of where you have placed different belongings.
  • Put items that you may need to access at the front of your unit or along the pathway.
  • When you are packing your storage unit, place large, heavy furniture or appliances that can support other items on the floor, then build upwards with lighter items and boxes on top. Make fragile items the very last layer.
  • When you leave, always make that your unit is locked.